Single Session Therapy
As its name suggests, single-session therapy involves a one-off appointment with no future obligation and is intended to address a particular problem in a focused way.
This is effectively a concentrated, one-off “Mastery” approach, incorporating a blend of therapy and coaching so that it is both future and solutions focused. It does not involve spending time exploring the root of the problem.
The process involves the following stages:
- Exploratory: An initial telephone conversation of 20-30 minutes to explain the process and decide between us whether this approach might be a good fit for you. This is free of charge and without any obligation to proceed further
- Contracting: If you wish to proceed, I will send you an agreement which sets out the process and our respective obligations. Once you have signed and returned the agreement and made payment of the fee, an appointment for the session will be confirmed
- Pre-session: I will send you a pre-session questionnaire which you complete and return to me by email at least 24 hours before the session
- Session: The single session itself which is online and lasts up to 90 minutes
- Follow-up: A telephone conversation for up to 30 minutes by way of follow-up after one month.
This approach is most suited to those who have a particular, identifiable problem or issue they want to address or who are feeling stuck or blocked.
The approach is not intended to provide ongoing support or in depth exploration. However, whilst the objective is to confine the work to a single session, additional sessions can subsequently be arranged on a ‘one at a time’ basis if they would be of benefit and they are helping you move in your desired direction.